Example Exam Questions

1) Planet X has an atmosphere that contains large amounts of carbon dioxide. The radiative equilibrium temperature of Planet X is _______ its average temperature.

(a) the same as
(b) higher than
(c) lower than

Click here for the answer.

2) Which of the following would NOT be changed if the Earth's axis were tilted at 50 degrees instead of 23.5 degrees?

(a) the total number of possible sunlight hours in Madison in one year
(b) the length of the day on June 21 in Madison
(c) the average summer temperature in Madison
(d) the average winter temperature in Madison

Click here for the answer.

3) Which of the following is not considered a heat transfer mechanism?

(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) refraction
(d) radiation

Click here for the answer.

4) Although the wavelength of each type of electro-magnetic radiation is different,

(a) the speed of each type is the same.
(b) the energy content of each type is the same.
(c) the frequency of each type is the same.
(d) all other characteristics of each type are the same.

Click here for the answer.

There will be 30 questions on the exam and they will be very much like these four. Good luck.